Contact Us

Please use the Contact Us form below for any special request or comments so we can Help you Locate and Buy those special items you seek. We can also help you List and Sell your Unique Findings in our Showplace. Please feel free to Call, Text or Email us questions or concerns: 401-644-4438  E-Mail: Our goal is your satisfaction and enjoyment.    

This is just a brief summary, created for like minded individuals who share our passion for locating, buying and selling those limited in quantity, artistic, hand crafted designs and retro fashions as well as unique vintage findings. For your convenience, you can Buy Online and Pickup In Store. We refer to this as B.O.P.I.S. You also have the added convenience of secure online shopping with the option of having it shipped instead. Regardless of whether you prefer that full E-Commerce experience or enjoy visiting and getting to know your local merchants in thier Galleries and Showplaces, the buying & selling experience at UFS is always safe & fun.